Ofsted Report, June 2022
The Provision is GOOD.
Please download this file for the full report Ofsted June 2022
Summery of Findings:
Children are happy and settled. The setting is welcoming and friendly. Children come in smiling and quickly access the activities and opportunities on offer. Staff interact with them in a positive, warm and supportive way, and show genuine interest in what children say and do. They encourage children to join in and play with each other. This helps children to make friends and develops their confidence. Children behave well and are excited to play together, such as exploring the roleplay toys.
Children are eager to share what they have done with staff and each other, and this results in children developing positive attitudes to learning. They confidently share that they enjoy coming to the setting and what they like to do. For example, they eagerly demonstrate how to find numbers hidden in the sand tray.
Children are eager to join in with activities that staff plan around their interests. They become engrossed in looking for insects outside and learning about how to look after them. They enjoy exploring the outside space and playing together. Staff are interested in and attentive to their needs. Staff regularly share what children have done at the pre-school with parents to keep them informed of their progress.
Ofsted Report, February 2017
The Provision is GOOD.
Please download this file for the full report Ofsted Feb 2017
Summery of Findings:
- Children are very happy, settled and secure in the welcoming atmosphere.
- Staff know all the children well and interact with them with warmth, enthusiasm and care.
- The manager is reflective and ambitious. She has a clear commitment to the continuing development of the provision. She leads the staff in reviewing their practice accurately and effectively to help improve learning experiences for children.
- Children enjoy a wide range of creative and engaging activities. For example, they consider which animals are found in the Arctic and create their own Arctic scene.
- Children acquire good mathematical skills. For example, they identify numerals at snack time and they count out the corresponding pieces of fruit from the bowl.
- Staff fully value parents’ involvement in their children’s learning and development. Parents appreciate the successful care practices, such as the effective settling-in process and the quality, personalised care staff give their children.
- Children learn to be independent in managing their own needs. This helps prepare them for the next steps in their learning, including school.
This provision is good
- Children make good progress in their learning and have a lot of fun as they take part in a broad range of activities.
- Staff promote children’s social skills, self-esteem and behaviour very well.
- The stimulating environment and good use of resources promotes children’s learning
and development well. - Children receive good support to adopt healthy lifestyles. They enjoy nutritious snacks
and develop independence in their self-care. - Staff provide regularly opportunities for children to engage in the community and learn about their local environment.