Opening Hours
Nutley Preschool operates five days a week from 9 am with sessions until 12 noon, 1 pm or 3 pm. The children take packed lunches which they eat together at the end of the morning’s session. Drop off is a rolling period of 8.45am – 9.15am to ease the morning stress for parents. All preschoolers are welcome from the age of two until they go up to primary school and, subject to places being available, children are welcome to attend any number of sessions during the week.
Please see the ESCC term timetable HERE
Fees & Funding
All 3 to 4-year-olds in England are entitled to 570 hours of free early education or childcare a year. You can get it from the term after your child’s 3rd birthday. This is often taken as 15 hours each week (in 3 or 6 hour blocks only) for 38 weeks a year. Some 3 to 4-year-olds are entitled to 30 funded hours each week. Some 2-year-olds can also get funding for childcare. Please see for further information on eligibility and how to apply and please provide your code to the preschool manager. The date you can claim funding will depend on when their birthday is:
We have also signed up as a provider to receive payments via the ‘Tax-Free Childcare’ scheme, that you may also be eligible for, please find more information at Childcare
The charge per hour for additional hours is £5.25.
You will be invoiced once per half term. Fees are payable even if a child is absent, as it is the place that is being paid for and not the attendance. If an absence is likely to be prolonged the Manager or Committee should be consulted about fees. Each child’s attendance is conditional upon the payment of fees. We are happy for you to change the hours your child is doing at preschool in the initial few weeks, after which we will need a term’s notice (approximately 6 weeks) if you are going to reduce hours. Failure to provide such notice will result in one half term worth of fees becoming payable.